How to install Python PIP on Windows, macOS, and Linux

Just like any other programming language python also supports using external libraries and modules into your project. It can be a headache to install, manage, upgrade, and remove this module using the wheel every time.

PIP is python library also consider as a central repository of all other libraries where you can find, manage, install all other libraries.

What is Python PIP?

PIP is an acronym that stands for PIP install python. It is a command-line utility that helps install, reinstall, and remove PyPI packages using the terminal’s pip command.

Is PIP Installed with Python?

If you’re using Python 2.7.9 (or greater) or Python 3.4 (or greater), PIP comes pre-installed with python. If you are using an older version of python, then do not worry. We will guide you on how to install pip in your system.

Check Python Correctly Installed?

Python is important before installing PIP in your system. To make sure python is installed correctly into your system.

If you windows user open Command Prompt using Windows key + X and selecting Command Prompt. On Linux, open the terminal using CTRL + ALT + T or search terminal from the Activity manager search bar. On MAC, open the terminal using Command + Space and searching for the terminal.

Type the following command into your CLI.

$ python --version
Python 3.9.1

If it outputs something like mine, Python 3.9.1, then you installed python correctly into your system. In a case you got some error like “Python is not defined,” you need to install python into your system.

In this guide, we do not focus on python installation as it is out of scope for this guide. You can visit the python official website for installation. They have a neat and clean guide on python installation.

How to Install PIP on your Desktop

This instruction works on almost all major desktop, whether it is Linux, Windows, or macOS. If you have any trouble, feel free to comment down.

Step 1:

First, download the installer script. To download, right-click on this link and then click on Save link as… from the context menu and save it into any safe location.

Step 2:

Then open your terminal, or if you are a windows user open up your command prompt and navigate to the download location where you have saved the file.

Then run the following command into your command prompt or terminal and make sure your system is connected with the working internet.

$ python

Now you have installed pip successfully into your system. You can run pip in a multiple-way into your system.

Way 1:

$ pip -V


Way 2:

$ python -m pip -V

Upgrade Python PIP

In the future, if there is any update in pip, you can easily upgrade it to the latest version using the following command.

$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip

If you are interested to learn or know more about PIP library. We suggest you read our article on beginner guide for pip.

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