How to Install Metasploit 6 on Android Using Termux Without Root

If you are wondering if it is possible to install Metasploit on Android, then let me tell you that it is possible; you just need Termux and this guide to help you with the steps.

Metasploit is one of the essential tools that every penetration tester should have. It can help you to perform various tasks, such as creating and testing exploits on the target system.

It is officially available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. However, beginners interested in security may not have a PC. In that case, you can take the help of your Android device by installing the Termux terminal emulator.

Today you will learn how to install the Metasploit Framework on Android using Termux without root.

Step 01Installing Termux on Android

You can download Termux from the Playstore, but we don’t recommend using it because you will find the older version, which doesn’t work properly, and we already have a well-written article on the Termux installation, which can be seen from the link given below.

What is Termux & How to use the Linux Command on Android with Termux?

Or download and install it using the below links.


Step 2Update and Upgrade Repositories

After you install the Termux application on your Android device, open the application from the launcher and execute the below command to update and upgrade the repositories.

$ pkg upgrade

Below is the output of the above command.

Update and Upgrade Repositories on Termux
Update and Upgrade Repositories on Termux

Step 3Installing the Required Packages

Now you need to install the required (wget, curl, openssh, and git) packages that are essential during the Metasploit Framework installation.

$ pkg install wget curl openssh git -y

Below is the output of the above command.

install metasploit on android using termux : Now Installing the Required Packages
Installing the Required Packages

Step 4Installing Ncurses Programming Library 

Now you need to install the Ncurses programming library on your Termux, which allows Metasploit to write text-based user interfaces in a terminal-independent manner.

It is a toolkit for developing GUI-like application software that runs under a terminal emulator.

$ apt install ncurses-utils

Below is the output of the above command.

Installing Nucurses Programming Library
Installing Ncurses Programming Library

Step 5Installing Metasploit Framework on Andoird

Finally, execute the below command to download and install the Metasploit 6 Framework on your Android device without having to root it using the autoinstaller script.

Also Read: How to Install Metasploit Framework with GUI Method on Linux

$ source <(curl -fsSL

Below is the output of the above command.

Installing Metasploit Framework on Andoird
Installing Metasploit Framework on Andoird

Or you can manually install it using the following commands:

$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./

Step 6Running the msfconsole command on Android

Now you can run the msfconsole command to test that Metasploit is successfully installed on your Android device.

$ msfconsole

Below is the output of the above command.

Running the msfconsole command on Android
Running the msfconsole command on Android


If something went wrong, then uninstall and reinstall the latest Termux version from F-Droid (the version on the PlayStore is outdated) and follow the above-mentioned steps.

Wrap Up

Metasploit is a wonderful tool, but using it on an Android device can hold you back. For example, you can’t do heavy CPU resource tasks like brute force.

Although it’s good for beginners to have fun on their Android devices, let us know in the comment section if you have any good ideas about using Metasploit on Android.

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