How to Install Metasploit Framework with GUI Method on Linux

If you are thinking that installation of Metasploit framework is limited to the terminal, you must check out this article to learn how to install Metasploit with the GUI method on Linux.

Rapid7 and the open-source community manage the widely used penetration testing framework, Metasploit. It is a very powerful tool used by cybercriminals as well as ethical hackers to test and create exploits for networks or servers.

Rapid7 provides Metasploit in two different variants: Metasploit Framework (free) and Metasploit Pro. Free includes all of the essential tools that are sufficient for beginners. Pro includes network discovery, MetaModules, Remote API, Dynamic payloads to evade leading anti-virus solutions, and many more.

The difference between Metasploit Community Edition and Metasploit Pro can be best illustrated by the following diagram:

Metasploit Editions

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Metasploit Framework (Community Edition) with GUI Method on Linux.

Install Metasploit Framework with GUI Method on Linux

The Metasploit Framework (Community Edition) is available free of charge for beginners to use with limited features.

Download Metasploit GUI

To download the Metasploit installation run file, open your terminal using the Ctrl+Alt+t or Ctrl+Shift+t keyboard shortcuts and execute the below command to download the run file using the wget command.

$ wget

Below is the output of the above command.

Download Metasploit Framework (Community Edition)
Metasploit Framework (Community Edition)

Then give executable permission using the chmod command and execute the setup file with sudo privileges, as shown below.

$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./

Install Metasploit GUI on Linux

Now the Metasploit installation window will appear.

Click on the Forward button.

Metasploit Installation - Step 1
Metasploit Installation – Step 1

It will then ask you to accept the Metasploit License Agreement. Simply Accept it and click on the Forward button.

Metasploit Installation - Step 2
Metasploit Installation – Step 2

It will then provide you with the Metasploit installation directory (/opt/metasploit). Don’t change it unless you want to have a different location, otherwise, click on the Forward button.

Metasploit Installation - Step 3
Metasploit Installation – Step 3

You now have the option to register Metasploit as a service. This way, it will automatically start Metasploit on the system startup.

Metasploit Installation - Step 4
Metasploit Installation – Step 4

Now it will provide you with a notice to deactivate the antivirus and firewall and then click on the Forward button.

Metasploit Installation - Step 5
Metasploit Installation – Step 5

By default, Metasploit uses Port 3790 for the web graphical user interface (GUI). However, you can change it to a different one and click on the Forward button.

Metasploit Installation - Step 6
Metasploit Installation – Step 6

Now it will ask you to provide valid information about the server to generate the certificate (valid for 365 days). If you are using localhost, then the default option is enough for you.

Otherwise, provide the information according to your server and click on the Forward button.

Metasploit Installation - Step 7
Metasploit Installation – Step 7

Just click on the Forward button.

Metasploit Installation - Step 8
Metasploit Installation – Step 8

And wait till the installation is finished.

Metasploit Installation - Step 9
Metasploit Installation – Step 9

Finally, click on the Finish button.

Metasploit Installation - Step 10
Metasploit Installation – Step 10


Now open your terminal to execute the msfconsole command, as shown below.

$ msfconsole

Below is the output of the above command.

Msfconsole Interface
Metasploit Framework (Community Edition)

Congratulations!!! You have successfully installed Metasploit Community Edition with the GUI method.

See you in the next article…SPREAD PEACE AND LOVE.

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