How to Install Transmission BitTorrent Client on Linux

There are numerous BitTorrent clients available on Linux, like qBittorent and Deluge, but the Transmission BitTorrent client is very intuitive to use. In most of the Ubuntu distributions, you will find Transmission preinstalled. If not, it can be easily installed with apt.

Before moving on to the installation step, check out the feature that is no less than other BitTorrent clients.


  • OpenSource
  • Light weight
  • Less memory footprint
  • Peer-to-peer exchange
  • Bandwith control
  • DHT
  • µTP
  • UPnP
  • NAT-PMP port forwarding
  • Web Interface

Method to Install Transmission BitTorrent Client

You can install the Transmission BitTorrent Client via multiple ways such as:

  • Install from the official repository for all types of users.
  • Install from Source Package for advanced users.

Currently, we will see the repository method to Install Transmission on the Debian machine. Because the source package is missing subprocess-test.cmd and that’s reasons we are not showing you the step.

Install Transmission BitTorrent Client from repository

As you know, whenever you want to install any application or utility from the repository, you should always update the repository first. 

To update the repository, paste the below code:

$ sudo apt update

Once the update is successfully completed, you can install the Transmission BitTorrent Client on your Linux machine. When you try to type the below code in your terminal, you will find multiple utilities of the same name, but all are different.

$ sudo apt install transmission [PRESS TAB]
transmission-daemon      transmission-remote-gtk
transmission-cli         transmission-gtk                                
transmission-common      transmission-qt                                 
  • transmission-deamon: It’s a service which can be invoked via RPC commands from transmission web interface.
  • transmission-remote-gtk: graphical Interface for Remotely managing Client.
  • transmission-cli: command based torrent client.
  • transmission-gtk: it is based on GTK for graphical interfaces, common for GNOME (Ubuntu).
  • transmission-common: necessary file or dependency for transmission.
  • transmission-qt: it is based on Qt for the graphical interface for KDE desktop (Debian).

Install Transmission Client for Ubuntu/Debian

To install the Transmission BitTorrent client for Ubuntu or Debian based machines, you can run the following command:

$ sudo apt install transmission-qt          // Qt based BitTorrent Client
$ sudo apt install transmission-gtk         // gtk based BitTorrent Clent

Install Transmission Client for AlmaLinux/RockyLinux

Run the below command on RHEL-based distributions to install the Transmission BitTorrent Client.

$ sudo dnf install transmission-qt         // Qt based BitTorrent Client
$ sudo dnf install transmission-gtk       // gtk based BitTorrent Client

After the installation, you can run transmission from the App Manager.

Transmission BitTorrent Client
Transmission BitTorrent Client

Uninstall Transmission BitTorrent Client

It is very simple to remove the Transmission BitTorrent client from a Linux machine; you just need to run a single command and it gets uninstalled from your machine.

Uninstall Transmission BitTorrent Client from Ubuntu/Debian

Run the following command, respecting the installation: 

$ sudo apt purge transmission-qt 
$ sudo apt purge transmission-gtk

Uninstall Transmission BitTorrent Client from AlmaLinux/RockyLinux

If you have installed Qt-based transmission, then run the first command, and for GTK-based transmission, run the second command:

$ sudo dnf remove transmission-qt
$ sudo dnf remove transmission-gtk

Wrap up

That’s all to install the Transmission BitTorrent Client on Linux.

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2 years ago

I have used Transmission for year on Linux. A simple, effective program that has never given me problem. I use Transmission to download ISO files for new Linux releases and verify them.