Install VSCodium Editor on Fedora, AlmaLinux, and all other RHEL-based distributions

VSCodium is a cross-platform application that is based on the original Microsoft VSCode, but the question is why install VSCodium when we can install the VSCode editor from the official package? That is the same question I have asked myself.

Before answering this question, I’ll share with you the interface of VSCodium and VS Code, and I want you to answer which is VSCodium and VS Code. You cannot distinguish between them unless you find the most hated line in the open-source community: “Code collects usage data”. “Read our privacy statement and learn how to opt-out”.

As per the above line, you can stop “Code to collect usage data”, but if you do not believe in agnostic Microsoft, then VSCodium is for you; same interface, same plugins, same features, and the same experience without any tracking.

Prerequisite for Installation of VSCodium

You should have sudo privileges to install VSCodium on your Linux machine. Other than that, nothing is required to follow this article.

Method to Install VSCodium

There are several ways to install VSCodium on your Linux machines, such as installing from the repository, Flatpak, Snap, or you can directly download the binary package from the release section of VSCodium.

In this article you will find:

  • Install VSCodium on AlmaLinux/Fedora/RHEL from the Official repository
  • Install VSCodium using a binary file

You can also install VSCodium from the Microsoft VS Code repo, but when you have the binary package, then why make an unnecessary effort to build Codium from the source?

If you still want to build VSCodium from the source, then you should follow their instructions.

Official repository way to install VSCodium on AlmaLinux/Fedora/RHEL and OpenSUSE/SUSE

I do prefer the official repository method to install VSCodium on my AlmaLinux, if you too then follow this, or else you can skip this instruction and follow Install VSCodium using a binary file

To install VSCodium on AlmaLinux/Fedora/RHEL 8, pass the following commands in sequence: First import GPG key, after that, create a new repository in /etc/yum.repos.d/vscodium.repo, and once it is done, run the final command to install VSCodium.

  • AlmaLinux/Fedora/RHEL

Import GPG Key

$ sudo rpmkeys --import

Create new repository

printf "[gitlab.com_paulcarroty_vscodium_repo]\\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\nrepo_gpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=\nmetadata_expire=1h" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/vscodium.repo

Install VSCodium

$ sudo dnf install codium

On an OpenSUSE/SUSE machine, you need to follow the same steps that you have performed above for Fedora/AlamaLinux/CentOS.

Import GPG key -> Add the repository -> Run the final command to install VSCodium to your OpenSUSE/SUSE machine.

Import GPG Key

$ sudo rpmkeys --import

Create new repository

printf "[gitlab.com_paulcarroty_vscodium_repo]\nname=gitlab.com_paulcarroty_vscodium_repo\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\nrepo_gpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=\nmetadata_expire=1h" | sudo tee -a /etc/zypp/repos.d/vscodium.repo

Before running this command make sure you have followed the above steps.

$ sudo zypper in codium

Install VSCodium using a binary file

If you want to install VSCodium from a binary file, then you need to download an .rpm based package from the Github release section of these projects. At the time of writing this article, the current version of VSCodium is 1.67.2.

Once you are redirected to the Github release section, you need to download the rpm file as per your system architecture. If your device has amd64, then you need to download x86_64.rpm, and once the file is downloaded, open your terminal screen and run the following command on it:

  • AlmaLinux/Fedora/RHEL
$ sudo dnf install local codium-1.67.2-1652920431.el7.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo zypper in codium-1.67.2-1652920431.el7.x86_64.rpm
VSCodium Interface

Wrap up

That’s all to download and install VSCoduim in AlmaLinux, RockyLinux, CentOS, OpenSUSE/SUSE, or any other RHEL-based distributions.

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