Nitrux 2.6.0’s codename is “Forbidden Fruit.” What made them choose this codename?

Except for Satanists, nobody would use a code name like that. Examine the factors that led to the developer settling on this particular codename.

While I was reading the release note, I found the “ff” after the release version, which caught my attention because, until now, they never used some kind of codename after the version, but after reading the entire release note, I discovered the reason for naming it.

One of the major changes you will find in this release is that you will not be able to install any application using apt, dpkg, and PackageKit, which means you cannot rely on conventional applications to install applications anymore.

You may be wondering why they took the nasty decision to prune the support of the conventional package manager. There could be a number of reasons for these changes, such as the addition of support for overlayroot to prevent unauthorised changes to the root partition and support for AppImages and Flatpak-based applications, which usually have the most up-to-date version of the app compared to legacy ones.

Even they are aware of the repulsion of these changes, which they need to handle.

During the installation of Nitrux 2.6.0, you will see that a certain application is installed using the apt package manager. However, the package manager will be removed from the system once the installation is done.

There is no direct way to install conventionally based applications on the system, but containerization can be used to do so. To learn more about this, check out one of our articles on Distrobox: Try Any Linux Distribution Inside Your Terminal.

Apart from that, you will find several changes in this new version, like support for PipeWire to manage audio servers and also added LADSPA based multiband PulseAudio equalizer for better sound.

Currently, the Plasma (X11) session is still the default, but you will also find the Plasma (Wayland) session available to use from the SSDM.

And you will find regular updates of Firefox (108), KDE Plasma (5.26.4), KDE Framework (5.101.0), and the KDE Gear version (22.12.0), as well as an updated MESA to version 23.0~git2301020600.fc0e23~oibaf~l.

There is a lot of support and changes in the version, which you can find out about below or read in the official changelog here:

  • Support for Samba
  • FlatHub is enabled by default.
  • Added the overlayroot, which will set the root directory immutable
  • Improve the Overview section of the Plasma Monitor System
  • and many more

Download Nitrux 2.6.0 ff

You can download “Nitrux 2.6.0 Forbidden Fruit” from multiple sources. However, I am not able to do so from the ISO Nitrux server, but I can download the ISO file from the following links, which I have listed here:

Nitrux Creatore suggests we make a fresh installation:

We recommend performing a fresh installation using the latest available media for new distribution.

You can follow the installation steps by referring to this article.

Your feedback on “Forbidden Fruit” is eagerly awaited in the section below.

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2 years ago

I think this approach is better to stop lead new users in disray of trouble from updates, just like Microsoft. As when new update are available the automatic update will trigger by Nitrux, that’s more better.