Simplify Complex Animation Libraries Using JavaScript

Want to prosper in the JavaScript animation library and secure a successful career? Then, you should learn some complex animation libraries in JavaScript

JavaScript, or JS, is the heart of the Web Development process. It is a well-known programming language that works hand in hand with HTML & CSS.

HTML is associated with the basic structure of the website, and CSS is known for the design of the website. On the other hand, JavaScript is used for the magic that lies in it.

JavaScript can create extraordinary elements that attract more visitors to the website.

Creating and adding animation images to any website is something that is used to attract visitors.

Animation is the process by which static images are converted to dynamic ones by adding sequential static images. It helps to create an illustration of images that brings more clarity to any subject on which the website was developed.

There are many JavaScript libraries present that deal with the animation of images, and in this article we will learn about them briefly along with small code snippets.

Step 01Anime.js Library

Anime.js is a JavaScript library that is used worldwide due to its lightweight nature. The library works along with the HTML and CSS help, which makes the library more useful. All modern web browsers can work with the Anime.js library.

The Anime.js library function builds in such a manner that it can able to handle different ripples at the same time. And some overlapping images can also be converted to animation using the Anime.js library function. A different animation can be created using properties, instances, etc.

Below is a small sample of the usage of Anime.js. Use your Web Development knowledge and make it complete with HTML & CSS. We are sure you have used these JS libraries in your final-year college projects.

    targets: "div",
    translateX: 400,
    translateY: 400,
    rotate: [100, -100],
    borderRadius: 120,
    duration: 1000,
    direction: "alternate",
    loop: true,

Confused by the code? No need to fret; you can always enlist skilled programming experts for expert guidance, especially when tackling JS queries.

Step 2Kute.js Library

The Kute.js is another important JavaScript library that can stand alone with the Anime.js library. Kute.js is considered one of the most property-rich JavaScript libraries. The Kute.js library always gets a new property that helps it float with other animation libraries.

Kute.js library function is known for its flexibility, memory-effectiveness, performance, etc. The Kute.js library function is used to handle complex animations.

This library can be used to animate such images that can hardly be developed with only CSS.

One small code snippet is added below. Develop the code as per your own and add the HTML and CSS parts there to make it workable.

var anything = KUTE.allFromTo(
    theObjects, {
        opacity: 3,
    rown and {
        opacity: 0.03,
    (offset: 2000,

Step 3Mo.js Library

The Mo.js JavaScript library comes from the Motion Graphics concept of Web Development. One of the best things about Mo.js is that it is easy to use, you don’t need to become either a JavaScript developer or an artist to draw animation.

Mo.js comes with a simple code syntax system that helps to make more vibrant animations. Mo.js can be implemented mostly in Micro-Animation cases where simple clicks are involved to run the animation process. And complex animations can also be done with Mo.js.

A simple library function in Mo.js is included below. You can add more to it and just make particular HTML & CSS codes for it.

var anything = new mojs.Html({
    el: ".a",
    a: (0: 300,
    angle: {
        0: 100.
    duration: 1000,
    repeat: 2.

Step 4Three.js Library

Three.js is the only JavaScript library that can handle 3D animation images on any website. It is relatively lightweight, though it has the properties to work with the 3D animation system. The user-friendly Three.js uses the Web Graphics Library (WebGL) to work with 3D animation.

As the Web Graphics Library is used in the Three.js library function, most animations can be done with the help of the Camera and a Geometric Cube. Additionally, JavaScript uses the Web Graphics Library as an API to create 3D animation images.

Below is a small sample of Three.js code. Use your Web Development knowledge and make it complete with HTML and CSS.

const anything = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas});
const fov = 40;
const aspect = 4;
const near = 0.3:
const far = 5:

Step 5Typed.js Library

All the above JavaScript libraries deal with the figures that are going to make an animation image. But what about an animation image with some text? To work on the animation images with the texts, the Typed.js JavaScript library function is present.

In the case of Typed.js, you will find various properties that help to make the animation image more attractive. Like, there are properties String Value (Text), Type of Speed, Looping Condition, Start and Ending Speed, etc. All these things can be implemented easily.

One small code snippet is added below in Typed.js. Develop the code as per your own and add the HTML & CSS parts there to make it workable.

var typed = new Typed(".class-name", {
            strings: [Write Anything Here ".].
                typeSpeed: 20,
                backSpeed: 10,
                loop: true,


It is very important to know the libraries that were used to work on the complex animation development process. You might find the necessity of the topic null, but you will understand its importance in the future.

So, start working hard from now on and create a great webpage along with some attractive animations that will give immense pleasure to the visitors of that page.

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